These micro scooters are everywhere! We go to the park and it's a rare to see preschoolers using their feet anymore. They whizz past one foot on board the other riding the road, "Wheeeeee look at meeeee". You hear stories of toddlers in the Alpine being put on ski slopes as soon as they can walk, it seems the scooter is Brtiain's equivalent. Unfortunately for us there are no snowy mountains for our children to learn balance and co-ordination - so the scooter must make do!
Our little one started off with a simple doc mcstuffin pink £19.99 scooter from Argos. It was a basic, does-the-job scooter. However, it quickly became obvious that it just didn't have the speed or manoeuvrability of other more expensive scooters on the market.
So as I am off for the next few weeks, I thought why not and promised the little one a new scooter. "A pink one?" she asked. Of course everything has to be pink!
Now the first decision I had to make was whether to go for a mini or maxi. The minis are much lighter and recommended for 3-5 year olds. The maxi is recommended for 5 years +. We finalised on the maxi as I have a tall 3.5 year old and really didn't want to invest in a 3rd scooter once she had outgrown this one.
I was very pleased at how easy the scooter was to assemble. Everything clicked into place within minutes. The initial confusion we had was how to steer it and after some faffing around we learnt about the lean and steer mechanism. You stand on the scooter with both hands and lean in the direction you want to go, which turns the wheels. It has a brake on the back and looks very sturdy. The handle bar is adjustable which is handy for me as when she gets tired I can increase the height and pull it along without hurting my back.
This scooter really is fantastic and glides along the path. I've had a cheeky go or two myself, even though the max weight is 50kg -oops. I look forward to now testing it on our holiday in Cyprus!